In the Engel & Bengel outlet sale you can snag remaining stock, exhibits and much more at greatly reduced prices! Children's fashion, bed linen, textiles, furniture, toys and decorative accessories are just waiting to be discovered by you.

Good to know: as a baby store, we are a shop for everyday needs - a 2G certificate is not required to shop with us.
The usual hygiene regulations apply (mask, distance, hand disinfection).

Off -site parking only on weekdays; on-site parking is only available on Saturdays. Only cash payment possible.


Outlet Dates:

25./26. November 2022


Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm

Sirius Business Park
Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44
Building 64.08, entrance b, 1st floor
81379 Munich

address and directions