Pure location

Growing table set, birch white

Growing Table felt pad stool

Growing Table felt pad seat
Pure location
Pure Position Growing Table
An individual play and work space can be created with the innovative Growing Table from Pure Position The table grows with your child by simply adding leg elements, so the children's table can be used from 2 years of age. The appropriate bench is built according to the same principle.
With clever accessories, the Growing Table To do this, the openings on the edge of the table top are pencil cup , book stand or a Note box inserted. The Mini bookshelves then hold the important school books for doing homework. A drawing roll can easily be used with a holder and a tear-off rail be attached.
The Container Spaces with four practical swivel castors offers additional storage space and the upper compartment is even removable.
Since 2011, Pure Position furniture has been manufactured in Germany by the IWL Isar-Würm-Lech Workshops for People with Disabilities GmbH.